Requests for gametes and embryos for insemination treatments is available only through authorized Reproduction Centers and with a signed agreement with CEIFER Biobanco, as stated by Spanish law 9/2014.

Private requests made by end users may only be processed if receptioning and utilization is to be undertaken at authorized Reproduction Centers with a current signed contract with CEIFER BioBanco.

Steps for ordering

You can register as a client either by:

  • Telephone calling at +34 954 456 169
  • Through our online platform (see below)

If you are a patient starting fertilization treatment and your Reproduction Center has no signed contract agreement with CEIFER Biobanco, please contact us through our telephone number (+34 958 254 112) or through our online platform and we shall arrange that with the Reproduction Center on your behalf.

If you work for a registered Reproduction Center, already our client:

  • Telephone calling at +34 954 456 169
  • Through our online platform (see below)

To place requests online through our web platform you need to be registered at our web services (please enquire).

If you are a patient bound for treatment at a Reproduction Center, which has a current signed CONTRACT with CEIFER BioBanco:

  • Telephone calling at: +34 954 456 169
  • Through our online platform (see below)

If you are a patient bound for treatment at a Reproduction Center, which has NO signed CONTRACT with CEIFER BioBanco:

Please contact us and we shall arrange the signing of the contract with the Reproduction Center on your behalf.

  • Telephone calling at: +34 954 456 169
  • Through our online platform (see below)

Our clients can register to use our web services by:

  • Telephone calling at: +34 954 456 169
  • Through our online platform (see below)

Following contact through either method you will receive your credentials (user/password) to place an ORDER for SPERM SAMPLES.

To be able to consult INFORMATION ABOUT A DONOR, as well as using the rest of services at our Ordering Platform it is necessary to install a digital certificate.

The use of courier service allows us to be the fastest in the business. You can have a sample in less than 24 hours.


  • Preferably before the receptive woman starts treatment, to ensure we have suitable samples available.


  • As soon as we get your request for an order and following confirmation it is correct we will send confirmation emai. This means your order enters oocytes allocation stage.
  • We will reply with an oocytes allocation proposal, where it is estimated the delivery time for your order.
  • Once you accept the assignment, the oocytes will be reserved for the maximum period of one month (if you need a different term period please contact us).
  • As soon as you have the planning of the oocytes transfer, we will proceed with the transport logistics.

At the Reproduction Center you will receive a parcel, containing:

  • Liquid nitrogen contanier with the oocytes container inside.
  • Report for the center, stating:
    • Report tracking number for identification of the shipment.
    • Information regarding traceability (sealing loop number and container).
    • Information regarding the receiving patient and her partner, if known.
    • Identification number of the assigned oocytes donor, phenotype information, blood group and Rh factor.
    • Other specific data regarding the sample.
  • Report for the patient receiving treatment:
    • Report tracking number for identification of the shipment.
    • Information regarding the receiving patient and her partner, if known.
    • Phenotype information, blood group and Rh factor of the assigned donor.
To request collection of the shipping container please call your nearest MRW courier agency.

You can find out at
